Thursday, December 20, 2012

Capitol Punishment

Something funny happened today.

The dear Governor of the island was suspended. Instead of following the rules and processes of our system, she did what any good Filipino politician would; throw a tantrum, do something stupid, cause drama and waste everybody's time.

She's locked herself in the Capitol building, her office I assume, and won't leave. Policemen and checkpoints were established in the area to prevent her "supporters" or dependents as I like to call them, from rallying to her and doing something equally stupid. It's just drama. No person from the province would waste time and resources to come to the city to cry about something unless they were paid and bussed in.

I don't like the Governor. I never did. I always suspected she had some kind of psychological problem. Her childish spat with the former mayor, the endless attention hogging in Sinulog, the nonstop exposure from her campaign tours "tourism programs", that episode where she put on a cape and talked to a ceramic chicken (this actually happened, don't you fucking forget that it did) and now this. This just proves to me she has the mind of a child. I wonder how our lovely little island has managed with people like this in charge.

This is tragicomic. Funny for obvious reasons but tragic in that the Governor will probably be elected as a representative in the upcoming elections anyway because...political dynasties. Still, is she gonna hole up in her office till then? They should charge admission to this freak show.

How the mighty have fallen.

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