Monday, December 17, 2012

Mini Madness

Normally, in MMORPG games, I don't really care about pets. Pets are tiny creatures that follow the player around. In GW2, they're called minis. They usually don't serve any purpose and even if they did, it wouldn't affect core gameplay like player versus player or dungeon crawling.

Since it's almost [Non-Denominational Winter Holiday], Guild Wars 2 released a bunch of stuff we can buy from their gem store. For those unfamiliar, the gem store is where we can purchase accessories using gems that we can buy with real money or in game gold at a certain exchange rate. It's basically just the game store's currency.

Now, I have never purchased game accessories like this ever. Not in World of Warcraft, not in Team Fortress 2, not in Dota 2, not anywhere. But there was something in GW2 that caught my eye. It was a mini of a quaggan, GW2's sort-of-mascot cutesy race wearing a Santa cap.

I can't describe it. Just looking at the damn thing made me feel like...buying it. It was so...cute? This doesn't make sense, I'm a guy who isn't supposed to find cute shit interesting yet I want one of my own. This must be some kind of trick of the eyes the 3D modellers do to make us buy stuff. I know it. This is witchcraft. I know they worship the devil. Black helicopters.

I'm off to watch a Steven Seagal movie.

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