Tuesday, December 11, 2012


The world is going to end? Where have I heard that before?

According to the usual gang of nutters, the world will end come December 21. Why? Because the Mayan calendar ends on that day. Why the Mayan calendar in particular is held up as some kind of super magical forecaster of doom, I will never know. What's the connection? I think the Mayans are overrated, pretentious hipsters. It's just a load of crap like Y2K or all the other end of the world predictions gone past.

And just how will the world end anyway? I doubt it will be instant like the lights will suddenly go out on December 21 or something because that's just cheerful optimism. The universe is dark and cruel and the end will be agonizingly slow, drawn-out and incredibly painful just as we deserve. There is no other way. Even if, say, the sun were to go out on that day it would affect one half of the world first and then slowly, the other will perish too. Boy, that would be quiet a show.


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