Sunday, July 8, 2012

Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter

It's been a while since I've gone to the theatre. Going to the theatre ends up ruining the movie because people talk. Worse, they talk about dumb shit. Worse still, is when people talk aloud just to point out obvious crap. Still, This movie was worth seeing and I ended up having a lot of fun.

"ALVP" is a movie about Abraham Lincoln, the sixteenth President of the United States. He was a self-educated lawyer, statesman and hero who led his country through a terrible civil war nearly tore it apart. He was a great orator who gave memorable speeches that are still studied today, and is a beloved figure in American history. Also, he hunted vampires.

Obviously, the premise was so outrageous, I went in expecting "epic" crap to happen. What I got instead was even better. The movie is played straight- very straight. There's no tongue in cheek stuff and no "Get it!?" *wink* stuff. It is played like it was an actual historic retelling of the life of Abraham Lincoln except that he slew undead in addition to being President. The movie is in your face and insisting that this is really what happened. It's so serious, it's twice as funny.

The first half of the movie feels a bit slow because you're adjusting to the kind of movie it is. In the second half, when Abe puts on his hat and grows a beard, it hits the roof and becomes awesome. This movie does have its epic moments so if that's what you're expecting, you will get some too.

All in all, the movie was great. It was done like a legitimate movie and even had dramatic moments. This, coupled with the insane premise, makes it an enjoyable movie.

Go watch it.

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