Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bow My Head And Wonder Why

There's something I need to get off my chest.

I like America (the band) and I actually went to see them when they came to the Waterfront Hotel a few years back. They're an old band and folk music isn't so popular nowadays but ever since I was a young boy, I listened to their songs on a casette tape almost everytime we rode the car.

Anyway, there's this song called, A Horse With No Name. I'm sure you've heard of it and its the probably the most well known song of America. But there's this particular part which disturbs me.

On the first part of the journey,

I was looking at all the life.

There were plants and birds. and rocks and things,

There was sand and hills and rings.

The first thing I met, was a fly with a buzz,

And the sky, with no clouds.

The heat was hot, and the ground was dry,

But the air was full of sound.

The song is catchy so you probably missed it. But one afternoon when I had nothing to do, I hummed this song to myself and it hit me. The HEAT was HOT? Wait a minute, hold the phone and stop the presses. How could this happen? What kind of bullshit is that? The heat was hot? Isn't that redundant? So there's a heat that's not hot? Hey! I can't believe they missed this. These lyrics don't make sense. I liked this song, now it's ruined. After all these years , it's been a cruel lie.

God damn this sinful earth.

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