Monday, July 2, 2012

Not So Amazing

There's a new Spider-Man movie! Ayala Cinemas have devoted all four theatres to it so obviously, at least they think its a big deal. I don't buy the bullshit.

I mean, really? Wasn't that first movie with Toby Maguire enough? That first movie was perfect but apparently, they're going to do it again. "Hey! Let's make a movie nobody asked for!"

At first I thought Hollywood had finally, definitively run out of original ideas. Later, I read that they are making this movie just so that Sony can retain the movie rights to Spider Man in the future which, doesn't sound very reassuring. If this movie is just to retain rights then what are the odds they're just gonna phone it in and half-ass it.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter looks promising for a few laughs.

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