Monday, July 23, 2012


Oh man, this brings back memories. As a kid, I used to think that the X-Men cartoons were the best thing ever.

Today, Star Movies had a little marathon of X-Men movies and I gotta say, they suck. I just don't like them, especially that one starring only Wolverine. That Wolverine movie was so bad, my mind blocked out the memory of seeing it in the theatre.

Anyway, I can't understand why the movies couldn't just have been about mutants kicking tremendous amounts of ass. No, we got to bring in this whole crap about mutant discrimination and political bullshit. I know X-Men has this whole "tolerance" thing about it but it just doesn't work with me. As much as the writers would like us to compare treatment of mutants to that of discrimination against say, homosexuals or another oppressed group, I don't buy it simply because last I checked, gays don't shoot lazers out of their eyes that can wipe out a small town. Imagine if people had the powers you see in the movies like shooting fireballs or mind-control. Putting these people under control is an entirely reasonable point of view to have and is not founded on some kind of irrational bigotry. Lock 'em all up, I say. I wouldn't want anyone who can throw lightning bolts anywhere near me.

Mutants out!

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