Saturday, May 22, 2010

Master Angler Of Azeroth

It's been about half a year since I started playing World of Warcraft. The guild, which I'm a member of, is down to the very last boss of the last major raid instance. Despite the epic boss killing and awesome face-rolling with your buddies, that's not what I'm going to write about. I'm going to write about fishing.

Fishing is an aspect of WoW most people don't give two shits about and who can blame them? Do you know how one "fishes" in WoW? What you do is you equip a fishing pole, put some bait and press the "fish" button. You must then place your cursor over the fishing bobber and wait for it to splash, indicating that you've caught something, then you click. Put that something in your bag then rinse and repeat. Oh my God, doesn't that sound EXCITING? Look how incredibly thrilling the picture above is! I bet you're on the edge of your seat! Is my sarcasm obvious enough!?

Sarcasm aside, I love fishing. No, really. Fishing is arguably the most monotonous and mind-numbing form of grinding in WoW and yet I like it. Why? Damned if I know. All I know is, I love fishing so much, I got the "Salty" title. The "Salty" title is an awesome reward for only the most avid of WoW fishermen. It's notorious for being a pain in the ass to get. Only a few people have it and it's even technically limited to a few players per year. It's an awesome title that also doubles as a reminder of what a fucking loser time-waster you are but I finally got it goddamnit!

Why do I love fishing? Come to think of it, I now know why. I usually think a lot of depressing stuff when I'm not doing anything. Politics, law school, paranoia, self-esteem issues etc. When I fish in WoW, I become a zombie, totally brainless and doing nothing but pointing and clicking and squeeling in delight when I've "caught something". There might be a mod to make it easier but I don't want it. I don't want it. You know how some people take drugs to escape reality? Well I fish so that the sheer tediousness makes me forget the stupidity around me and then for a moment, for just one precious moment, I become THE Master Angler of Azeroth.

What is my major malfunction?

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