Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Iron Man 2

I went to see Iron Man 2 today. However, I also enjoy watching movies for the previews. Three trailers caught my eye. The first one was The Karate Kid. I hate it already. The second one was for The Last Airbender, a live-action movie based on the popular Nickelodeon cartoon directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong. I have doubts about how faithful the adaptation will be. Right of the bat the trailer mentioned that the titular airbender character is the "last of a powerful nation" or something. Correction, the airbenders were nomads and had no central government or even a state. Call me an avatard, Whatever.

The most interesting trailer was for a film by Ridley Scott starring Russel Crowe. It's a medieval drama with action and political intrigue. A movie with tyrants, evil kings and epic battles for freedom. The name? Robin Hood. ROBIN friggin' HOOD. This ain't no gay romp through no Sherwood forest. This is a gritty and violent "Hood". It's Russel Crowe goddamn it! It's seems to be like The Dark Knight with bows and arrows. He wasn't even wearing them tights.

Anyway, onto the movie. It was pretty good. Downey played a good Tony Stark, the lovable asshole. It seemed pretty aimless in the beginning with a depressed Tony Stark dicking around while confronting his own mortality. Then it picks up in the middle and finishes well. There was even an awesome appearance by SAMUEL L. JACKSON as Nick Fury. Or was it Nick Fury playing as SAMUEL L. JACKSON? The villain was pretty lame. He got his ass kicked in several different flavors. I hardly felt any tension even in the climax. You just know Tony is gonna pull through in the end and that he can't be beat. Still, I call this a fun action movie. It's just fun. That's all.

I fucking hate The Karate Kid. The trailer almost ruined the whole movie!

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