Friday, May 7, 2010

Ten Things That Piss Me Off

Here's a short list of things that annoys me to no end, things that make me want to choke someone. You may not find it annoying, but I do and that's important.

1. Cheese "Queso" Flavored Ice Cream
Who's bright idea was this? It tastes like shit. It's a dairy product flavored dairy product. Whoever came up with this and those who enjoy this "flavor" should be shot.

2. People Who Say "LOL"
Not many people do this thankfully. It usually happens to people who are too wired. Get off the damned Internet for a minute. What does "LOL" mean? LAUGH OUT LOUD! So do it! What's the problem? If a joke is funny or you find something amusing, how about laughing? Give it a try. I wonder if these people are still human and not terminators from the future or something.

3. IMVU Ads
These Internet ads piss me off in particular. It's an ad for some shitty online social game or something. There's a lot of these ads everywhere featuring some stupid plastic Bratz faces and crappy- GRRAAHH!

4. People Who Misuse "In Fairness" and "To Be Fair"
Look, the phrase "In fairness" or even better "In all fairness" shouldn't be thrown around whenever by moronic celebutards on television. It's supposed to be used when you respectfully disagree on some point and try to offer positives to a negative. For example:

Alice: "A lot of people misuse the phrase, "in fairness"."
Bob: "To be fair, a lot of people are simply ignorant and don't know shit."

5. E-mail Regarding Elections and Candidates
I actually appreciate people who forward such e-mails with the titles, "elections", "why I'm voting 4..." and "vote..." so I can delete these e-mails straight away.

6. Fast Food Shops That Don't Give Enough Tissues
You know I'm right. Fast food stores that are stingy with ketchup packets as well just twists the knife.

7. People With Headphones Who Listen To Music
It's as if they can't be bitched to put those earpieces down to listen to another human being. It's like listening to a person is so much trouble. However, a punch to the face is a very clear form of communication.

8. People Who Sing To Every Song
Whenever a popular song, new or old, plays, these people can't help themselves but sing along to it. What's worse is they try to imitate the artist that sung it instead of singing it in their own range. You're not going to convince me the lead singer of Fuel just appeared next to me. Shut the hell up.

9. Dog Shit In The Sidewalk
Now isn't that just lovely? Who likes seeing a nice big dog turd while walking to grab some lunch? At least my dogs crap in the grass.

10. The Color Purple
I hate it.

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