Monday, May 24, 2010

It's Good For You

Last Saturday, I went with some friends to the grocery because that's where young people hang out. I noticed a tub of ice cream or something like that. I'm not even sure if it was a tub but it was definitely made of ice cream. It had a label on it saying "Good Source of Calcium!" What the hell is this?

I don't know when this shit started, this whole thing of advertising vitamins and minerals of junk food. When I think about it, Mr.Chips had packaging saying that it was fortified with vitamin A or something. Oh yeah, when I think vitamin A, I think of fried corn chips with cheese. Notice that it's not even called "junk" foods anymore. Its "snack" foods. Boy, Jack and Jill "snack" food company sure has us by the balls. It's a conspiracy. Children long ago used to be told that they shouldn't eat junk food before meals or not to eat so much of it. Now, people don't give a shit. These "snack" food corporations won.

Time for some Pringles.

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