Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh No

Recently, Erap declared his intention to run as candidate for President of the Philippines. If you don't know who Erap is, all you need to know is that he was President, was ousted, was convicted of plunder and then fucking pardoned.

He made his declaration in Tondo, a poor area in Manila, spouting the usual pro-poor bullcrap to the masses which he technically stole from. You don't even need to debate the question if he can run or not. He can't. Yet, in his mind he seems to believe he can. I think his legal team is just screwing him and squeezing as much money as they can from him, hustling the hustler.

His running mate? A guy named Binay who is practically married to the City of Makati, a city of rich business. Poor and rich? Go figure. If Binay is taking his chances with Erap then I guess he isn't as smart as he seemed in the lecture I saw him in.

If the Commission on Elections approves his bid and he, through some malign demonic force, becomes President again, I am leaving the country for good. Seriously.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Why is it that whenever you pledge to eat right and exercise more, somebody gives you or your family members a bunch of chocolates or somebody bakes a cake or its some guy's birthday and there's a big goddamned party with a lot of food?

No matter what, something always comes along and forces you to enjoy life instead of dieting and exercising. The timing is suspicious. Its like people give you gifts and throw parties just when you summon your willpower. Its like THEY don't want you to look good. THEY want to make your life miserable. THEY want to kill you with heart complications in your fifties.

Its a conspiracy.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sniper Prank Hilarity

Comedy or Cruelty? You Decide!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Doing nothing for the past few days. I'm glued to the computer and watching reruns. I think I'm going insane.

I really should go out more. That new Final Destination movie looks good. I expect a lot of hilariously gruesome deaths.

Have you ever seen that show Cheaters? It's the best show ever. Simple concept. This guy finds people who doubt the fidelity of their spouse/girlfriend/boyfriend/miscellaneous and then get hidden footage of them well, cheating! Duh! He gets this awesome crew to follow them around and get all the juicy stuff like kissing and entering motels and then showing it all over television.

The best part is the confrontation when the victim gets in the face of the cheater with full camera crew. The look on their faces is fucking GOLD. It can get brutal and I love it! The host just sits back acting shocked but its obvious that deep down, he's enjoying it. Oh the schadenfreude! He acts as if he he didn't see it coming and can't believe what a jerk the cheater was like the hundreds of other cheaters he tailed in the past. Then finally, the genius of a host says that he's actually providing a service and that the people he humiliated in front of the world eventually worked it out thanks to him!

Folks, don't cheat on your loved ones. On second thought, go ahead. It makes for good TV!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Garbage In, Garbage Out

I finally passed a written output due for today.

You know, teachers ask for a lot of final outputs in the last week. It's either a thesis, research proposal or project. But what really happens to these outputs after students pass them? Frankly, after I pass an output I never hear about it again. It makes zero impact. Its like passing it into a black hole. Nobody knows what happens to them or even if the whole exercise matters. What do the teachers need them for? Whatever it is, I am certain its something sinister, Manhattan Project type shit.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I haven't updated for a while. It's finals week and there's a lot of things to get done.

It's my mom's birthday today. I gave her a cookbook. She seemed to like it despite being mildly sexist.

I have a lot of typing to do and I have to do it while resisting the incredible urge to play World of Warcraft my new drug.

Jesus Christ...