Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh No

Recently, Erap declared his intention to run as candidate for President of the Philippines. If you don't know who Erap is, all you need to know is that he was President, was ousted, was convicted of plunder and then fucking pardoned.

He made his declaration in Tondo, a poor area in Manila, spouting the usual pro-poor bullcrap to the masses which he technically stole from. You don't even need to debate the question if he can run or not. He can't. Yet, in his mind he seems to believe he can. I think his legal team is just screwing him and squeezing as much money as they can from him, hustling the hustler.

His running mate? A guy named Binay who is practically married to the City of Makati, a city of rich business. Poor and rich? Go figure. If Binay is taking his chances with Erap then I guess he isn't as smart as he seemed in the lecture I saw him in.

If the Commission on Elections approves his bid and he, through some malign demonic force, becomes President again, I am leaving the country for good. Seriously.

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