Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The The List

Panfilo Lacson came out... er, I mean, produced a list containing the names of individuals allegedly involved in the Pork Barrel Scam. If this is some sort of bombshell, I'm not impressed. 

What is the point of all this, do we still remember? Oh yeah, justice. Now, if any red-blooded Filipino is reading this, I want you to ask yourself this question and try to answer it truthfully as best as you can: "Who do you trust?" Who among the talking heads on the TV screen can you truly say has the interest of justice at heart and not looking to protect his own ass or advance his own interests?

If you answered, "Pnoy", then I truly envy your blissful state of mind. You'd make a fine contestant on any stupid noontime show.

I'm asking for a person who is serving justice, not himself. Can't think of any? I don't blame you. It is no longer surprising when a man in power chooses to serve himself  rather than a cause so noble. In fact, we've come to expect no better. The truth of the matter is that there is nobody left to trust. They say testimony is the weakest form of evidence but it is not so only because people lie but also because people distort the truth and twist it to suit their own ends.

How do we know this list is the absolute truth? How do we know it wasn't altered to protect the few and damn the many? How does this list compare with De Lima's list? How about Sandra Cam's list? How do we know those lists are the correct ones? Where's the truth in all of this?

That would depend if you trust the list makers and that's even harder to do. There is nobody left to trust because we know everyone is out to serve themselves or their sugar daddies. Nobody cares about the truth or about justice. Isn't it telling that the list was sent to the Blue Ribbon Committee, the most inconsequential investigative body in this whole charade, and then to the vultures in the media? It tells me they're not serious. None of this is serious. They want to keep this political because in the world of politics, truth dies. It's all about image and manipulation, illusions and storytelling. There are no consequences or final judgements.

You know what, I think for the first time, I feel genuinely hurt. I'm no longer trying to be funny but I'm being honest. I play the cynic and pretend all of this is beneath me but for some reason, not this time. They are all liars and I see no good end to any of this. A country "run like hell" alright.

From the outside, I look from pig to man and from man to pig but cannot say which is which.

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