Thursday, May 8, 2014

The List

There's a lot of noise from the usual "activists" and the social media twitterati calling for the disclosure of a list containing the names of people who have dealt with Janet Lim Napoles in the Pork Barrel Scam.

I don't really care much anymore. I'm not sure if it is even proper to demand the list. It's not a public document or an official record of sorts. If it's a piece of evidence for a courtroom then there's going to be a long wait but oops, I forgot; actual courts of Law are too boring compared to the court of public opinion.

You ever notice that people exhibit a deep distrust of government and yet, at the same time, give that same government more power to "fix" their problems? In a sane world, we would leave the Pork Barrel Scam to the justice system. But oh my God! How slow and cumbersome our legal system is right? How corrupt and incompetent our officials are right? Why, we can't trust it! We gotta have our own Blue Ribbon Committee in the Senate to do something about it! Oh, wait! That kinda sucks too and won't actually accomplish anything... Let's just rally in the streets and post selfies about it on Facebook, that will work for sure!

See my point? There's a deep dysfunction in our whole system. That's obvious to anyone paying attention. No wonder people become apathetic and cynical. Can't say I blame them. Nothing is working right. Even a revolution doesn't work it seems.

Nothing. Is. Working.

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