Friday, February 21, 2014

Short Cuts: Les Miserables

Late last Tuesday when I was snug in my bed, I saw Les Miserables on HBO. I admit, I cried at the end but only because the movie was finally over. What a ridiculous piece of crap.

Miserable Indeed
Now, I've never seen Les Miserables before. I've heard of it but I haven't seen any play or read the book. I'm an uncultured swine so sue me.

I found the whole movie tedious. I guess it's because they sang everything. Normally, I expect regular dialogue in between numbers but it was all singing all the time. How does that work anyway, singing everything you say? Does one have to sing, "I gotta go piss in the bathroom!" before he does it? Anyway, I wouldn't have a problem with it if the movie wasn't two and a half hours long. It's tiring and hard to sit through since all that singing is insisting I stay engaged. Give me a break.

I think I don't need to talk about the story since it's, you know, way more than a hundred years old. I get the feeling that all the actors in this movie are trying to nab the spotlight and outdo everything else. I dunno, maybe that's just me. Overall, I didn't like it as a movie. I hope it's only because of the fact that it's a movie. Maybe I'd enjoy it if it was a different production.

I did enjoy some parts of this movie though. I enjoyed watching Russell Crowe attempt to sing. Russell Crowe's face looked so bored and tired, perhaps even depressed, throughout the whole show so naturally, I sympathized. I liked it when the kid got shot. 

I liked it when the credits started rolling.

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