Thursday, February 6, 2014

Heil Presidente

Sometimes I wish El Presidente would just keep his mouth shut.

PNoy, in an interview with the New York Times, compared China to Nazi Germany. "At what point do you say: 'Enough is enough'? Well, the world has to say it -- remember that the Sudetenland was given in an attempt to appease Hitler to prevent World War II." 

Historical arguments aside, I don't think its very diplomatic or smart. Normally, I wouldn't mind this comment but an important thing to remember about China is that their standing army numbers about 1,600,000+. We have about 66,000+. I'm using old numbers but I doubt the Chinese army is getting smaller. We're not even getting into the air forces and navy.  Bottom line is, the Chinese have an army that can wipe the Philippines off the planet. It's sad to say but that's the truth.

A lot of people, me included, don't like China's attitude but is this something a head of state should say?

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