Wednesday, April 17, 2013

The Ryback's Promo

On the episode of WWE Raw last Monday, the wrestler called Ryback cut a promo against John Cena. I thought I'd give my two cents on it.


First off, the promo was prerecorded and edited. Ryback probably had a script beforehand which I hope he prepared himself. It was probably done in segments and multiple takes. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. In fact, it's pretty smart to do this as it is less risky than doing it live and slipping up. It's a way of protecting Ryback who I believe is not as good at cutting promos naturally in front of an audience.

As for the stuff he says, he kind of has a point. Whether you agree with him or not, it's not important. What matters is that he has some kind of motivation and he explains it lengthily. I'm sick and tired of heels in wrestling acting evil just because (herp) they're evil. The promo served it's purpose of making Ryback interesting and giving him some kind of reason why he's doing what he's doing. I liked it. It had an old school vibe to it.

It's just a shame that the WWE ruined it by having Cena shit all over it in their confrontation afterwards. Cena even tried to heap the "Boring!" chants HE was getting on Ryback. Man, I hate John Cena. To top it all off, they had Ryback back off when Cena challenged him. What the hell? The man has been booked as an unstopable force of nature for weeks and NOW he pussies out when going up against Cena who he manhandled the week before? Please.

John Cena should go fuck himself.

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