Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fallout: New Vegas Analysis: Old World Blues Intro

Alright. So the previous DLCs of Fallout:New Vegas dealt with some pretty heavy stuff. In Dead Money, we learned about the dangers of greed and obsession. In Honest Hearts, we learned about human nature and the positive or negative influences of religion. In the third DLC, Old World Blues, the courier is teleported to the wonderful world of the "Big MT" where we have lighthearted adventures in wacky, funny SCIENCE! It's gonna be fun right?

Make no mistake though, OWB is a lot deeper than it looks and a whole lot more depressing than the wacky SCIENCE! would have you think.

The Main Plot
The story begins when the Courier, drawn by a mysterious and jazzy broadcast, happens upon an old drive-in theater with what looks like a satellite or at least, a highly complex machine of some sort. Upon touching the thing, he was transported instantly to the Big Mountain Research and Development Center (erroneously called the Big Empty or Big MT)  where he was experimented on while unconscious from the trip. The Courier awoke feeling a bit light-headed which was no surprise given his brain, as well as his spine and heart, were removed and replaced with implants. Stranded, the Courier stumbles on in search for his missing organs and a way out.

The Courier meets The Think Tank, a group of genius scientists who aren't exactly human anymore. He meets five brains-in-jars basically. The members of the Think Tank are: Dr.0 who is an alleged expert in robotics, Dr.Borous who has a thing for DNA-scrambling technology, Dr.Klein the head researcher of the bunch, Dr.Dala an expert in "Humanology" with a degree in Curiosity and Advanced Curiosity and finally, Dr.8 an Acoustics Expert who ironically has no voice.

The Think Tank were responsible for The Courier's organ removal but now seek the Courier's help. It turns out that the Think Tank are being terrorized by a former colleague gone mad scientist named Dr.Mobius who keeps the Think Tank trapped in their research center.

Big Mountain, as it turns out, isn't a mountain at all but a huge crater. A small laboratory accident blew the mountain up but no worries, an advanced shield system surrounding the crater prevents anything from escaping. This is good seeing how all sorts of dangerous monsters and "experiment" stalk the facility grounds and abandoned laboratories. Will the Courier survive? Of course he will. He's the mythical badass.

Next time, let's talk about the sinister undercurrents of this bright and cheerful place.

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