Monday, April 29, 2013

A Distraction

I saw Iron Man 3 today.

Surprisingly, nobody bothered me by talking loud. Nobody's cell phone made a sound too. I don't think anyone was even texting and bothering me with the cell phone glare. 

I made the mistake of thinking that it would be a pleasant movie experience for once. I was wrong. It wasn't my eyes or ears that would be assaulted by unwanted unpleasantness but my nose. The guy next to me had body odor like you wouldn't believe. He was a young man who smelled like an old man. It wasn't a sweaty smell at all but an old, stale smelling odor that made me think of unwashed laundry and morning breath. The guy either didn't wash his clothes or brush his teeth. Maybe both.

The movie wasn't even that good.

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