Thursday, February 3, 2011


The teacher called on three people to recite. Unfortunately, the three didn't read the case. Three consecutive calls on people who hadn't read drove our teacher to walk out. Luckily, it wasn't me who was called but still...

If it was me who was called, could I have given a satisfactory answer? Maybe. I read the case but I can only recall the "one thing" and nothing else. The "one thing" is what the case is all about or a specific feature in the case which is a "twist" to the lesson currently being discussed.. It might not even be the main issue. I can recall the "one thing" but I can't recall much else. I can't even remember if the case was murder or rape all I remember is the "one thing".

I dunno. Having the teacher walk out angrily is pretty demoralizing even if it wasn't your slip up. Kinda makes a person want to give up altogether.

The next meeting is gonna be a pain in the ass.

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