Monday, February 28, 2011

Ramblings 1

To put it simply, its complicated. Say for example, you're President of some third world country and you decide to buy yourself a Porsche. Is it tasteless? Maybe. Is it wrong? Of course not. Nothing pisses me more than young people being interviewed by "speak your mind" programs telling me how buying a Porsche is wrong. In a poor country, it would be better to give to charity. Fuck you. You know, what a man does with his own money is nobody's business. Too many people running around telling everyone how they should live and spend their money. I've had enough of that shit.

I don't drink beer. It's not that I'm religious, its just that I can't stand that bitter crap. What else? What else? What else? Law School is a bitch. Maybe I should drink but not beer damn it. Rum? I like rum cake so... Maybe when my friends have a drinking session, I'll just bring a slab of rum cake. I probably won't share it.

Criminal Law is boring and difficult. My mind is ready to pop like a can of Pringles. I love Pringles. Mesquite barbecue was the best thing EVER. Now, Pringles is all healthy with berry flavors or seaweed flavors etc. Stupid. Now Pringles is telling me to eat healthier. Shut up and give me sour cream and onion. Nobody eats potato chips flavored blueberry Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ...catholicism...Hellsing! Shit, I love that anime. I wonder if a new OVA is out. It's always funny how Catholicism is portrayed in anime. To the Japs, Catholicism is exotic and sexy or something. However, when they start using the imagery and doctrines it gets a little jarring especially since I studied catholic doctrine and actually see how their ruining everything and getting it wrong. I hear Japan is a nation of perverts but that's not fair. Anyway, it is my firm belief that after seeing the demographic trends in Japan, the country will be run by robots in 2080. You read it here first.

What of my country? I expect collapse to occur in 2067 but maybe Jesus will come back. We're too religious for our own good. We believe too much in symbols of purity and justice. We trust people we think are pure at heart like a priest or some Aquino. Everything wrong in the country is also attributed to evil symbols like Arroyo or some kind of abstract like "corruption". We love to canonize and to demonize. We love to build up as much as we love to tear down. We love to create symbols to exalt and to blame. We create a world of angels and demons. It's a fantasy world. We heap our failings on our scapegoats and in our arrogance and disbelief of the greatness of the Filipino people, we ignore the best of us and their accomplishments. Only when we believe in ourselves, accept both the bad and the good, cast away false idols and stop fearing imaginary beasts can we move forward.

I wonder what's for dinner.

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