Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Wave

Today was the first day of Law school.

The first subject was Human Rights of the Child. It's only one hour of the whole week but the next two hours were Constitutional Law. Of course, there was the whole "introduce yourself" bit in both classes. My constitutional Law professor asked me if I was related to my mom, the judge. Well that did it. My day was ruined. I hate it when people ask me if I'm related to my mom. It just feels awkward. The professor seemed like a pretty cool guy so the question probably didn't mean anything. We were given reading assignments for a graded recitation next meeting right off the bat. I didn't think it was gonna be easy anyway. I'm gonna be off at 8:30 in the evening every weekday but at least there's plenty of time in the mornings.

I noticed that there's a PA system inside the classroom that plays a chime every hour. I know that this will most likely drive me insane down the road. I got in touch with some old friends from Political Science though. Now I won't go insane alone.

This is only the beginning...

1 comment:

  1. Maybe you can just say you don't know me? So you won't feel so awkward. - MOM
