Saturday, June 19, 2010

This Just In! Law School is Hard!

You know what really annoys me? What annoys me is how the more senior Law students ask us freshmen how we find Law school so far. I really wonder what answer they expect. "Gee, I thought law school would be fun! Where's the cake and punch?" Well no shit, we tell them how everything is hard and how we have so many cases to read. Then they go on to say, "You think that's hard? Wait till...blah blah" No wonder why people think lawyers are arrogant.

How is that helping anyone? Look, nobody is that stupid. No person enters Law school thinking it would be a joyride on the good ship Lollipop. Stop telling us it's hard. WE KNOW. Shut your mouths already, oh wait, it's Law school, nobody can.

Another thing that annoys me is how everyone talks about the Bar Exams. Everything has to be about the Bar Exams. Bar this, Bar that. Even a normal conversation about which color highlighter is most indicative of a homosexual, turns into a conversation about the Bar exams. The Bar Exams are hard so we have to get ready and study hard and this and that. Why are we always being told this? I mean, isn't it why we entered Law school in the first place? To learn to eventually practice law? Which implies passing the Bar Exams? It goes without saying that it's the whole damn point. Stop talking about the Bar Exams. It gets way too much hype.

Oh man, I need to blog about something other than Law school tomorrow.


  1. whahaha Marvz!!! Congratz law na dyud mo!
    apas lang ko ug di maglisud XD... Just remember to keep blogging, avid reader/fan baya koz gpang-post nimu :D

  2. Bati Irving nga wala ka. Dungan unta ta reklamo! Haha
