Sunday, November 15, 2009

Nothing Special

Just another Sunday...

You know, I never thought I would write this but playing World of Warcraft... is a lot of work. Seriously, waking up in the morning to do daily quests to earn imaginary money to buy fast cars/dragons, checking in on the auction house or market like people in Wall Street or something is pretty scary. I feel like a sucker yet I can't stop somehow. One of these days I guess I'll have to just sever my hand...

Today was the day of the big boxing match/curb stomp between Manny Pacman and some guy named Cotto who didn't even try to look intimidating in the posters. Man, Cotto was one tough bastard. It wasn't pretty but he went twelve rounds of being just punched in the face. His offense was terrible but in the end, he's millions richer. Anyway, what is it about these hyped-up matches? It seems everyone is suddenly a boxing aficionado and a fucking expert commentator. "Oh, Manny must leverage his speed." No shit, which restaurant placemat did you read that from you armchair moron?

Everyone watches it. Even criminals and terrorists shut in to watch it as evidenced by the low crime rate on such days. It seems the joy of watching two strangers beating each other to a bloody pulp for our amusement brings out the best in all of us and rekindles our common humanity.

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