Saturday, November 28, 2009

Complaining About Books I Don't Read

I was going to watch Ninja Assassin today but changed my mind since the cinema was crowded. The ticket lines were long as was the line to the cinemas. It formed a ring around the floor of the mall. It was full of people, mainly girls and hey, maybe a few gay guys, who wanted to watch that new Twilight movie. Its a movie based on a book series of the same name.

Twilight. I don't read it but I know enough about it to say that it sucks. It say it sucks not because I'm a hater but simply because I'm not in its target demographic. Its just not for me. Let's just say that its marketed to screaming fangirls who like boys, read candy magazines and have slumber parties or whatever. The interesting thing is that for all the flak men get for being supposedly shallow, egotistical sex freaks it seems women like ogling male torsos and reading dangerous books like Twilight.

Dangerous? It is. I read the summaries (I don't want to touch the book) and all I can say is that it teaches young teens questionable lessons. Just google it yourself because I can't be bothered with such a long list. Also the plot is so lovey and syrupy that I get diabetic thinking about it.

But one thing that really pisses me off is that Twilight killed vampires. Its over. Vampires aren't scary anymore. There was hope in the Underworld saga but no. DEAD. They just play baseball and sparkle now. Seriously.

Man, I felt bad for those poor guys in the cinema, looking at their somber faces as they were being dragged by their girlfriends to see the chick flick. Poor bastards...

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