Monday, November 16, 2009


On a serious note, It was bad times last week because Grandpa wouldn't eat. It got so bad that the doctor had to put a special dextrose drip. It was bad.

Yet, over the weekend my Mother and Aunt managed to coax him out of his grumpy and lethargic mood to go to the mall. Surprisingly, he perked up as if nothing had happened. He drank coffee, ate a sandwich and was wide awake. Mom said that it was like his past weakness disappeared. Grandpa has to be taken out on trips everyday now if only to get him to work up an appetite and eat.

I guess the reason why I write about this is because I really find it amazing how Mom cares for Grandpa so much that she kills herself with worry about it every day. She loves him. I can't help but think that what if Mom's time comes? Will I be able to take care of her? I will but will I have the means? What about me? What about when its my turn?

It kinda reminds me of that Benjamin Button movie. The beginning of life, even in Benjamin's bizarre case is ultimately irrelevant. I can't even remember being born. Death is irrelevant. We are all going to die someday nobody can stop that. What matters is the here and now, the moment we share with others still living in this fleeting period between bright and gloom.

I found the movie boring though and couldn't even finish halfway but still... you know?

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