Sunday, May 3, 2009

Weekend of Disappointment

I feel like ranting this Sunday instead of pretending to be smart. I went to watch that X-men Origins: Wolverine movie.

First I was in the theatre back row near the toilets since all the good seats had been taken. I didn't mind. I wanted to see this movie but I hate going to the theatres since people are generally inconsiderate assholes that ruin everything. Sure enough there was this couple beside me that were snuggling and I knew this was gonna be a problem. Sure enough, the girl, who was pregnant, kept asking stupid questions like, "Who's that guuuy?", "Is that his brotherrrr?" And the moron who I assume knocked her up with his moron seed answered, "Oh, that's his brother, who will also grow up to be his rival. I hope everyone heard me." Great. So that's how it's gonna be, giving away details. She kept asking questions. She wouldn't have to if she, I don't know, paid attention? Worse, she had to go past me to go to the bathroom often since she was pregnant. They still wouldn't shut up and the movie sucked too.

The movie was a convoluted pile of shit. At first Wolverine as a kid was like, "I killed you for killing my dad." and then he was like "Wrong move son, I AM your dad." And then Wolverine runs to the forest, fights in all major US wars, joins secret government organization, pussies out and becomes Canadian as a result. And then it was like, "They killed my Wife!" and then she was like, "I'm not really dead, I was just using you." And then they really loved each other. ZOMG GAMBIT, XAVIER Whoop! MEMORIES ERASED. The End. Seriously, It moved too fast. It sucked and then I stepped on some shit on the way home.

Today I watched the over hyped match between Filipino Boxer Manny Pacicantspellit and some Brit named Hatton. On round one, Manny Pacwan knocks down hatton TWICE. I was like WTF? and then round two, boom, Hatton leaves in an ambulance and Manny Pacman buys another house. Crap, Hatton eats it in just two rounds. What a disappointment. See, I'm not like those almost-patriots celebrating Manny Pacistani's "victory" as a victory for the whole Filipino nation somehow. I wanted action. I wanted a real fight that keeps me at the edge of my seat. Instead, I get two rounds and thirty-minute commercials. I kinda felt sorry for Hatton and his numerous fans that came out to see him get served but still, the bastard still walks away with a nifty sum for only two rounds which is more than I can say for the numerous pay-per-viewers and ticket buyers expecting to see Manny Packedlunch in the fight of the century.

What a weekend of disappointment. Oh, and this post has spoilers.

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