Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend of Lame Scandal

Over the weekend there was a scandal. A scandal of monstrous proportions. A scandal that threatened to tear the very fabric of Philippine society asunder, destroy our cherished moral values, corrupt our innocent children and shatter our hopes for peace in Mindanao. A scandal that threatened to raise the oceans to devour our blessed archipelago in one violent cataclysm. I am of course referring to that stupid, sex tape scandal non-issue that the media can't shut up about.

The story: Some young, rich, hotshot dickhead banged a lot of women including rich famous ones and a renowned plastic surgeon. The guy made about forty sex videos of different women probably without their consent. It seems he got it on with everyone and their mother. Some of the videos got leaked on the Internet including the one with the famous people. DVDs were swiftly made and sold in the dark market and a national shitstorm ensued.

The media was all over it like flies to dog poo. Reporting on it over and over well into the weekend. As usual there were tears and sad piano music. One famous woman who co-starred in one of the amateur productions wanted the guy's Doctor's License removed. Wait a second, oh yeah, the asshole guy was a doctor. And I thought having a degree makes you "smarter" and a cut above the other "losers" in this society. Goes to show having a diploma doesn't cure stupidity even if the diploma is for medicine.

I know why he made those videos. It doesn't take a degree to know why he did it unlike those psychiatrists paraded on TV to try explain it to the "simple folk". He's probably an insecure little prick who made those videos as trophies to show the cool kids he was cool too. "Hey guys! Look who I bagged last Thursday!" Disgusting. Having all those videos lying around, he was just asking for it to be leaked. The psychologists on TV said he had a narcissistic disorder or something. See, that "disorder" bullshit belongs in America. We shouldn't try to excuse the guy. The guy even went on TV "apologizing" weakly and saying he was a victim to. Boo hoo. Please.

Naturally, somehow this rather insignificant incident in the private lives of citizens went to congress, providing our charming congressmen another opportunity to grandstand. Turns out that the law is pretty mum on the issue of sex videos and this new "Internet" thingy. Apparently our dusty old codes and privacy laws cant handle something like this. "Why isn't there a law against this!" the retarded masses cry. You know what? There WAS supposed to be a law to cover crimes like this but congress sat on it's ass as usual and the law got bogged down in the fetid tar pit that is our law-making body. What the fuck have our representatives been doing? What have they NOT been doing? Are you telling me that its the future age with mass communications and the Internet and our laws can't even handle something as minor as this? OH. MY. GOD. I feel secure of my privacy already.

Well there you have it. The worst part of this little circus was that for a moment, the only thing everyone could talk about in this Christian country was the so called "sex tape scandal". Everyone. "Hey did you hear about the sex tape scandal?" "He really porked her good didn't he?" Really folks, are we that shallow and droll that this is the subject of national discourse? Do we really have nothing else to talk about? Crime, economy, the future of our country, nothing? Damn it. The videos weren't even that good.

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