Monday, May 11, 2009

The Youth Boat

Time to rant. You know what irritates me? All the yapping about the youth vote. I hate listening to media asshats talk about how the educated youths in colleges and whatnot can vote to affect the country or how change can happen when the youth "express" their views for a better country. It's all nonsensical gibberish.

The youth don't care. They just don't. They would rather sing that stupid "Umbrella-ella" song than the anthem. They would rather wipe an old man's ass in New Zealand as a nurse that give a shit about the country. That's what you get growing up in a culture of cynicism where even our parents and teachers remind us about how much we suck and how we used to be number one or how better Singapore is at everything. That's why voter registration is only a trickle and you actually need TV networks and programs to coax the new meat out of the mall and into the poll booths.

The media love to spew phrases like, "love of country", "make a difference", "speak your mind" and other touchy-feely bull crap. Somehow if you register and vote this election, you are showing love for your country. This is wrong. Which is why to counter the youth vote program, I propose the the youth boat program. I propose that the youth simply hurry up, get on the boat and leave. The culture of cynicism has claimed me too you see and I'm still pretty young too. You can't fight the system. Rizal was wrong. Don't wait for a messiah because he will never come. So pack your backs, youths of the nation and flee, America! You know what they say, Filipinos who make it abroad are "heroes" who love their country. Don't you love your country?

1 comment:

  1. Tsk.. we really don't need a sanctimonious political dinosaur lecturing us on why young people need to vote.. they're worried why were cynical? listen to them outdo each other about being "pro-youth" and try to see if the tuition moratorium bill or magna carta for students got passed by our self-proclaimed pro-youth legisaltors..
