Monday, August 22, 2016

Rowdy Rody's Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry
This administration is a gold mine. God bless Duterte. God bless him.

Go ask the older folks if they have ever seen a President do this. Ask them if they've ever seen a President engage in brazen prime time mudslinging to such a nasty degree. De Lima always fancied herself as some kind of smart ass so why bother playing at taking the high road? You can't beat her at pompous moral posturing so a different tactic is required. Who knew that for El Jefe, that would mean accusing her of having an affair with a married man and implying that they benefit from drug money? 

You should have seen De Lima. It was unexpected. She was totally unprepared, the poor devil. It was a kidney punch.

Critics say it was dirty and uncalled for but in case you haven't noticed, we are well past that point already. It seems everything is getting pried open in the Philippines. Sure it was nasty, but in a way, it was tactically brilliant. Today was the Senate hearing on the extrajudicial killings. Thanks to Duterte, nobody can pay attention to the proceedings. All people can do is look at De Lima and think, "Wow. Somebody is actually banging this dumpy broad?", and everyone will forget what actually happened.

The papers today reported that Duterte got fed up with international criticism of the extrajudicial killings so he threatened to leave the United Nations. I laugh."Threaten"? Threaten who? Let's not pretend we're a member of the security council. We're more of a dependent than anything. What about all the foreign aid? Yolanda?

But of course, it's all straightened out later that Duterte was exaggerating and so forth. You know, it's getting a little tiresome. On the one hand, we're supposed to take Duterte seriously but on the other, we're not supposed to take him seriously. He means what he says except when he doesn't? My advice: Duterte should cross his fingers and show it to us when he speaks off the cuff. It'll be our little sign; our little in-joke. If he crosses his fingers, he doesn't mean it and he's just trolling the media. Tee-hee!

Look, he's mad at the U.N. Understandable. It really is a useless organization. But he shouldn't make so much noise. If I've learnt anything from the many dictators, armed groups and genocidal maniacs in the world, it's a safe bet to just ignore the U.N. Just ignore it. I doubt the U.N. sincerely cares about brown people Filipino lives any more than we do.

I hope this man is President for life.

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