Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Drug Dudes Done In Dirt Cheap

The Philippines is kind of like a kitchen at midnight. Turn on the lights and you'll see it's swarming with cockroaches. Try to focus on a problem and you'll see how it's even more terrible than you imagined.

I knew the Philippines had a drug problem but I never thought it was this bad. Suspected drug peddlers and users are coming out of the woodwork, out of trees and manholes it seems, to "surrender" to the government. This is a little odd to me. See, people are admitting to their crimes but they just sign a thing? Acknowledge they've been bad little boys and promise not to do it again? Some have suggested hooking these people up with jobs instead of drugs but where are you going to find jobs for thousands of people who have admitted to a history of crime or drug use and most of whom probably aren't that bright to begin with?

Those who don't surrender are simply shot. It seems people are being killed daily. Instead of crying about the end of the "rule of law", let's play the devil's advocate.

Realistically speaking, a Filipino life is fairly worthless in the grand scheme of things. Years of rampant population growth coupled with general neglect (governmental or societal) to improve our human capital have made the Philippines a country filled with disposable people. Hell, I know I'm not exempt from this calculation. Someone could kill me tomorrow and it wouldn't even matter. Sure, some of the people who know me would probably be a little bummed but that feeling will eventually pass.

What I'm saying is that the Philippines, a country of about ninety-eight million people and rising, can absorb these losses. Maybe we can stand to lose a few hundreds, thousands or even a million? If a million Filipinos disappeared, would anyone notice? I doubt it. People hardly notice each other as it is. 

Maybe the lack of outrage over the spate of killings means that the people have finally realized and come to terms with the glaring truth that was always staring them in the face like a beggar on the other side of the car window. Life is cheap in the Philippines. If you aren't being slaughtered like a pig in the name of progress, you're busy being milked like a cow for all your ungrateful dependents. People are treated like cattle, from cradle to crave, being herded through the various institutions happy to mold them into the perfect worker/consumer. Employers treat their very replaceable employees like dirt because they're dirt cheap. We even export our surplus meat to foreign markets and call it heroic.

So what's a few deaths honestly?

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