Friday, March 2, 2012

Triple Triad

Just when I thought I didn't want to go on living anymore, my eye caught some promising looking DVDs from the pirated DVD vendor across the Law school. Nothing like watching an awesome/bad/awesomely bad movie to cheer you up. Get a load of this.

Its Dragon Age: Redemption, a fan film based on the popular gaming franchise of the same name. I believe this is going to be good. I like gaming and I like Dragon Age even after the game developer took a giant shit on it. It also stars Felicia Day who, I am told, is a "gamer girl" with actual credibility. Next up...

It's fucking The Samurai of Ayothaya! Now get this, the story is about some Japanese guy named Yamada who is captured by Siamese warriors but instead of getting executed, he learns to respect the culture of his captors and fights for them instead against the Japanese. The box proudly proclaims that it's "The Last Samurai meets Ong Bak 2!" I got mixed feelings. On the one hand, I thought The Last Samurai was complete bullshit. On the other hand, Ong Bak 2 and the entire Ong Bak series for that matter, was pretty intense with people caving each others skulls with their elbows. Is this movie based on true historical events? I don't know but if it's anything like The Last Samurai, historical accuracy comes second to people getting whacked good.

And last but certainly not the least, we have this awesome looking movie from India. The last Indian movie I saw was ball-bustingly awesome so I bet this one is too. Drum roll!

Ra.One! Apparently, its a big fucking deal in India. Its got action and CGI and shit, It's India's answer to Hollywood. Its got merch, video games and even had its own Nvidia graphics card with box art to boot. I mean, look at the goddamn poster! The dude is all buff and carrying the helpless babe dressed in red in his arms while wearing a shirt made of lightning as the rest of society is blown away by awesomeness behind them.

What is Ra.One all about? Well, a good friend of mine, who is also well versed in bad/awesome movies, says it's the Indian Iron Man.

That's good enough for me.

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