Saturday, July 3, 2010

I Want to Watch A Movie

I feel like watching a movie but unfortunately the only popular show today is that new Twilight movie.

Let's face it, Twilight is estrogen bait. It's got shirtless men and lovey dovey crap. I don't like chick flicks. The last chick flick I saw was The Perfect Catch with Jimmy Fallon if I remember right. It was so bad, that if I snuck in to see it, I'd want my money back. Twilight however, seems to be the queen of chick flicks. No way I'm watching that.

The other movie is Knight and Day. I'm not watching that. Out of principle, I'm never going to watch a movie starring Tom Cruise. He can go take his crazy somewhere else. The Last Airbender, M. Night Shamalamadingdong's latest bowel movement, received a lot of bad reviews. I'm a fan of the cartoon series it was based on so I will probably be disappointed.

Everything sucks now. Who took away all the fun? Seriously.

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