Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Race

You know what rubs me the wrong way? The way people talk about the elections.

Its never about the issues. Its never about principles. Its always about who's winning, who switched sides, who's backing who or who did what. Its disgraceful. The presidential elections, where we choose a new leader for this republic, is discussed like a horse race. Its morbid. Its demoralizing to hear that what should be a very important event for any democracy, is just some spectacle, fodder for gossip. I never hear, "Oh candidate A believes in say, slowly liberating local economies from the centralized internal revenue allotment so I'll vote for him." Instead, I hear, "Did you hear about that guy who jumped 5 points in the polls? He's such a tool for the administration! Heehee!" We don't know anything about these people. All we know about them are their present loyalties, wealth and what they say they stand for. (politicians are known for keeping promises, right?) NO SOUL.

The candidates' platforms are no more complicated than the directions on a shampoo bottle. "He's on the anti-corruption platform." Really? No shit. Who's going for the pro-corruption platform then? He'll get my vote just for his balls. One candidate vows to end poverty. How? By ending corruption. How? It stops there.

And they're off!

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