Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Dirty Words

A long time ago, when I was a fresh high school graduate, I tried using curse words. Once upon a time, "shit" was common in conversation as was a little "fuck" on the side. Certainly never in a conversation with my mother of course but lately...

Well, recently I actually felt shock hearing a string of "shits" and a "fuck" when I was out in public or something. Why did I feel bad about it? Thinking about it, it wasn't so much shock than annoyance. I used to think cursing meant cutting edge but now its just terribly annoying.

In comedy, most of the time, jokes get less and less funny the more you tell it. The same applies with cursing. It was fun for a while but now its just meaningless. "Fuck" barely has the impact it had before. Everyone says "shit" and "fuck". Its not cool anymore, probably never was.

I think about it differently. I've minimized cursing since last year's resolution and I'm going to stop completely now. The way I see it, I'm gonna reserve the "f" word for really heavy situations like a precision bomb. How would you feel if somebody you know, who's like an altar boy all nice and clean with a Jose Rizal haircut, suddenly blurt out "FUCK!"? Then you know its serious. The words finally regain the edge.


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