Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ghost Hunting

Have you ever seen the show, Ghost Hunters International? Its an amazing show. I mean, how amazing is it that a show about a bunch of people running around in the dark, could have so much mileage?

The show typically begins with the group of professional ghost hunters arriving in some haunted and super ominous location. Its often an old mansion, medieval castle or anywhere you'd expect to be in a Scooby-Doo cartoon. So the gang of so called "experts" (what university gives ghost hunting diplomas?) arrive in their mystery machine, stake out the place at night and probe it with thermal images, sonic detectors and scientific stuff that allows them to see glowing orbs of dust. Then, one of them hears something totally unexpected that scares them. Cut to commercial. In the end of every episode, we end up no closer to proving ghosts exist than proving fairy tales are real.

The show makes me wonder why, in our digital age where everyone has a camera or camera phone in his pocket, nobody has ever come up with incontrovertible proof of ghosts? Think about it, the Philippines is both cell phone obsessed and extremely superstitious yet I have not seen a picture of a kapre or tikbalang or whatever.

I ain't afraid of no ghosts.

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