Friday, June 26, 2009

Sponghabob Quadradopantalon

You know, for all the crap the world throws at me on a daily basis, one thing really cheers me up. I can't start my day without seeing it. I'm referring to the cartoon Spongebob Squarepants dubbed in Tagalog.

I kid you not. Spongebob has been translated to Tagalog, dubbed over and broadcast over a local channel. It is fucking hilarious. Seriously, seeing an American cartoon like this entirely in Tagalog busts my gut. What's even funnier is that I don't even understand Tagalog! I can barely understand them yet I laugh my ass off every time. The dub is excellent by the way unlike the other shit dubs done for Japanese anime.

I don't know how to speak Tagalog. I can understand it a little but I'm not fluent in my own national language. I can't learn it because I don't have use for it. The teacher tells me to watch Tagalog show and movies to learn but the brain learns language when it is used daily. That's how it works. Tagalog is useless for me and I have been struggling with this subject since elementary but if there's something that can make the learning experience infinitely more entertaining, its Spongebob. Pupunta na tayo sa Krusty Krab!

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