Monday, June 1, 2009

Sex Scandal Again

It's been two weeks but it seems like forever. The media vultures are still feasting on the stinking dead horse carcass that is the sex scandal featuring some celebrities who I previously have not even heard of or gave half a rat's ass about. In my earlier post I mentioned the whole stupid story and if you don't know the story despite the media supersaturation, then I envy you, I really do.

The rich, allegedly educated "doctor" guy who taped his own unimpressive sex tapes with celebrities now claims he was on drugs at the time, which the woman in the film gave him. Right, I guess that explains the other volumes of tapes huh? I guess that makes everything better. I guess some people will say anything to make it seem that they couldn't help it. Twice today I have read psychologists describe the idiot's "condition" as voyeurism or gender-identity disorder. Again with the "disorder" bullshit. What this implies is that what he did wasn't a voluntary act but from a mental sickness. The guy even has his own supporters and sympathizers! I'm supposed to feel sympathy? Whatever. I stick to Occam's Razor, the principle that given multiple explanations, the simplest is best. In this case, the "doctor" was just a moron with astonishingly poor judgement, taping his sexcapades with celebrities to show off and stoke his own ego. That's it.

What troubles me most is the whole attention this is getting. This sex scandal bullshit has gone on long enough. In fact, the other day, we received a call here from a relative of the family who is in the US. Eventually the conversation with our relative, who we seldom speak to, arrived at the critical issue: the sex scandal. Yes, Filipinos in other countries have heard of it and probably seen it too. If anybody has voyeurism in this story it's the people themselves. How entranced everybody is with this non-issue. The people are just lapping this shit up right up and enjoying it.

As for me, I'm sick of it. I will never think, write or speak of this again unless one of the parties of the scandal dies a hilariously ironic death. I have been hypnotized by this nonsense for too long and I say no more. From now on, I go back to not caring even one percent which I already used up writing the last paragraph. If anyone mentions this sex scandal to me in person, I will choke that person until he dies.

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