Monday, June 15, 2009


There has been a lot of noise lately about changing my country's flawed and unnecessarily rigid constitution. As usual, like all attempts done before, the congress accuses the president of using charter change to hang on to power then the priests and nuns get their groove on then the students skip class to join rallies and whatever. Look, I've seen it all before. Boring. Charter change? When pigs fly.

If there is one silver lining to the ineptitude of the government, stupidity of the people and our inability to unite, is that when I decide to study law, I would still be using the same constitution. It would be way easier on the student since nothing would change. If I become a lawyer, I bet I would still be studying the same constitution and using the same old law books I had in college. As I get old, my grandchildren and their children's children could still use the same books I had and have as much fun learning about the 1987 Constitution as I did. Think of all the money we could save on books!

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