Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Thinking Positive

Instead of writing about how bad the quarantine has been, why don't I point out some positive things. After all, my mother always advised me to be more upbeat and not dwell on negativity.

I think that it's great that there are little to no people in the streets. I admit it. I think it's awesome.

I took a short walk in the park today and nobody was there. It was so quiet and peaceful. There were no loud, annoying people bringing along their pesky children and dumb pets. There were no young people blowing cigarette smoke or irritating foreigners. It was heaven. It was as how a park should be. Not a piece of trash, human or otherwise, was in sight.

The restaurants across the street from where I live have been closed since the start of the quarantine. This means that there were no hired bands playing their terrible music and keeping me awake at night. What a blessing. I've been sleeping so good. I hope they all went bankrupt and will never ever open again. 

If you do run into people, they keep things short and quickly go about their business. For once, there's no need for idle chit-chat. How pleasant. Recently, a man politely refused to ride the elevator with me and decided to wait for the next one. At that moment, I was ecstatic. After the euphoria died down, I treated myself to some otap and a glass of room temperature water.

Best of all, wearing a mask means that I don't have to force myself to smile.

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