Thursday, April 21, 2016

Jokes For Folks

People went crazy, and are still going crazy, about Duterte's rape joke. Some are saying that he's never gonna win now. I don't think so.

It's too late in the game; the train has left the station. If Duterte's has come this far despite himself, one measly controversy about a rape joke won't stop him. How funny is it that Duterte's popular image, a vulgar guy who summarily kills people without trial, has been tacitly accepted but because he joked about rape, he's now morally questionable all of a sudden? They're making a bigger deal out of this than the other batshit crazy things he's said in the past. Oh, so now we're not gonna go along? "I don't care if he kills people, he made a rape joke and it's that I can't stand!" 

Give me a break.

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