Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Political Exercise

Yesterday, the former Chief Justice died, the first one ever to be impeached. I'm sure you remember the "trial". I certainly do. It was a joke, a farce and a disgrace which proved to me and to any intelligent observer that, in the Philippines, politics trumps law every time.

Failing to release one's statement of accounts is now a betrayal of public trust equal to that of treason, rebellion, sedition and other high crimes against the state. The law twisted to extreme, improbable dimensions all for the purpose of removing a political enemy and all greased with that delicious DAP money.

There's nothing much more to say. History will remember him for the stain on his honor and he will simply be dismissed as corrupt by the ignorant just as quickly. Believe whatever narrative you want but it was all politics. It was politics of the worst kind; one which serves the interests of the few over the whole country.

Not much longer until the joker is out of office.

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