Monday, January 25, 2016

Hover Thy Father

The big thing in Cebu at the moment is the International Eucharistic Congress. It's supposed to be a big deal but I'm not sure why. People keep saying it's important so it must be? I don't know.

It's just a bunch of priests talking about how important the mass is. The last time people were talking about the mass, it was because some priest decided to wheel around in a "hoverboard".
Why do they call it a "hoverboard" if it doesn't actually hover?

I thought it was amusing despite the impropriety of it all. Frankly, church is pretty boring. The outrage over the incident was understandable. "The Eucharistic celebration is the highest form of worship", the self-righteous Catholics huffed. True. However, this is a culture that tastelessly holds masses in the middle of noisy malls and shopping centers; spirituality drowned in a sea of materialism. So much for the sacred...

Keep on rollin' padre.

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