Monday, November 16, 2015

11/16/15 Police

You know what, I'm not even going to talk about the exam.

Police lined the streets all day presumably as security for the APEC. A lot of police officers were just loitering about waiting for something interesting to happen.

What a joke APEC is. What significant thing has APEC ever accomplished anyway? It doesn't have any real power. All it does is waste taxpayer money and effectively halts all production and commerce in the capital city for weeks. 

It's a bit tense given what just happened in Paris. I doubt the government can stop a terrorist plot if the bad guys were really determined to strike. Incompetence has infected the government at every level. The last thing we need is for an international incident to put our ineptitude on display. Anybody remember that bus hostage fiasco?

What an annoyance.

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