Tuesday, November 10, 2015

11/10/15 Restricted

I just realized that there are two McDonalds within the same walking distance from my place. I live in a corner and there's one McDonalds on each side within fifteen seconds of walking distance. Today, I went to the nearby mall to eat. I could have sworn I saw a Jollibee within a Jollibee. Am I going insane?

Getting around Manila is very difficult. I heard stories from my mother about how well organized and efficient mass transit was in Japan. I imagine her vacation there was very enjoyable since getting from one place to another was so easy. You could fit a lot of activities in a day if movement weren't such an issue.

Manila is another story. The trend is that sections of the city and new developments go for some kind of "self-sufficiency". Everything has to be nearby since going far takes up too much time with all the traffic congestion and whatnot. Hence, we get McDonalds to the left and right, Jollibees within Jollibees and huge malls. 

Ah yes, the malls. What could be more contained than a mall? It has everything. Some even have dedicated chapels where you can attend Sunday mass. Personally, I think it's in profane to hold mass in what is essentially a temple to our own golden calves but the priests must go where they must; where the people are.

I guess that's part of the reason why it feels so oppressive here. I feel constrained in movement like I can't go where I want to. It's not just the traffic. Just a few days ago, a taxi driver tried to put one over on my mother. The driver wouldn't turn on his meter and demanded cash upfront to drive her to the airport and that if she didn't like it, she could just find another cab. What an asshole. Some drivers refuse outright to take you to certain places if they think it's too troublesome. A lot won't even give you back your change. Jeepney drivers are exactly as you would expect. The bus drivers are reckless and double park while waiting forever for more passengers before they leave. The rail system is decrepit and could collapse any minute. Have you seen the rail cars? I saw one chug past and it looked pitiful.

I've been wondering what's been eating me about this place and I think I found part of the reason why I feel so off. I feel restricted. I feel like I can't go anywhere without it unnecessarily eating a lot of my time.

Dan Brown was right. This is the gates of hell and what's worse, there's a really long line too.

It's disturbing to think that Cebu City is essentially going the same direction.

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