Monday, January 5, 2015

The Man in White

Filipinos love to have a good time. The holidays are over but we're looking forward to the next big one. Sinulog is almost here. Also, the pope is visiting our country too.

I wonder what Papa Franz is up to. I bet you all sorts of politicians are gonna be lining up to meet him. A political endorsement is out of the question of course, but a photograph with ol' Santo Papa would probably work nicely on the campaign trail... Nevertheless, the pope says he's coming here to help the typhoon victims and the poor.

It seems a man from Italy cares more for them than people from Manila.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Time Flies

The holidays are over already?

Holidays pass by so fast while the normal workdays seem to go on and on and on and on....

Friday, January 2, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Plane Crazy

Do you know what I find annoying? CNN.

An AirAsia plane went missing a few days ago and CNN couldn't stop going on about it. The plane was discovered to have crashed into the sea and CNN couldn't stop reporting on it. It seemed nothing else in the entire world mattered except for this one airplane that crashed in the Java Sea.

I know it's a tragedy. I'm not making light of the situation but what irritates me is CNN's obsession with the whole incident. This isn't the first time too. When that Malaysian Airlines plane went missing, CNN couldn't stop reporting about it for a week. I find it a macabre obsession and the cynic in me says that CNN is just milking the drama for all its worth, the vultures that they are. They should just call themselves the Missing Plane Network because that's the only thing they enjoy covering. They hardly say anything new too. They just keep repeating the same bits of information except from different mouths.

"Why are they so obsessed?" I thought. It hit me.

Who are the only people who watch CNN? A few watch CNN by chance when skipping through channels. But my theory is that the vast majority of people who watch CNN, probably a good 95% of viewers, are people trapped against their will in crummy airport terminals. People waiting for their delayed flights are the only people who watch CNN! Of course stories of missing planes would scare them into keeping their eyes glued to the screen. CNN is merely pandering to their demographic! 

I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year but I don't want to jump to conclusions.