Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Mystery Poster

About a month ago, I passed by a poster of a man put up near a restaurant. What was strange about it was it was just a picture of a man doing the "thumbs up" with his name written below and nothing else. It just seemed a bit odd to have a picture of some random guy out there for no reason.

When I passed by the public market, I saw a whole bunch of similar posters of different people. I wondered what was up with it.

But then, if you lived here long enough, you kind of already know the answer.

As soon as election season rolled around, all they had to do was put stickers on the posters indicating what position the seemingly random guys were running for. 

I guess that's one way of beating the campaigning ban before the election period starts. It's not technically campaigning if its just a poster of a guy with a name since there's no indication he's running for office. You know, you have to marvel at the ways people skirt around the Law. It's like wringing a wet rag, coaxing as much water out of it as possible, looking for every avenue and technicality to defeat the rules.

I don't know whether to be impressed or ashamed.

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