Monday, September 2, 2013

Cute As A Bug

I would have slept earlier yesterday if I hadn't seen this very interesting documentary on the BBC channel about German automobiles.

You gotta hand it to the Germans, their industries are probably the best in the world. German brands are always top notch. Look at Europe right now and the Euro crisis. Even when Germany doesn't even mean to, they dominate Europe. Why even war in the first place if you can just roll over them with economic power.

But back to automobiles. My grandpa used to own four ( I think) old Volkswagen beetles in different colors. I had many fond memories of those vehicles. Even now, I can still remember the distinctive chugging of the engines, the silhouette as it drove over the slope of Mango Avenue, the feel of the seats, the heat of the interior and the bright blue star painted on the hood. What ever happened to those cars?

I wish we had kept at least one beetle. 

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