Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Child Stars

There's this little girl on TV. What's impressive about this little girl is that she has her very own show called, "The Ryzza Mae Show". The little girl is the titular host of the show and she invites celebrities over or something. What a little girl could possibly ask that would be of great interest or importance is beyond me. The show is popular and a lot of fans comment on how well-mannered and cute the little girl is. Indeed, she's a plump little tot who fills the stereotypical idea of the "precocious youngster" quite well.
 Yet, something feels wrong about it. I think it's just me because society doesn't seem to find anything wrong with it. The show still exists doesn't it?

 I don't buy into the show's premise that this is a little girl who's wise beyond her years. Children are children and children are stupid. They don't know what they're doing. They can be manipulated and used and often are. It has been my personal observation that Philippine society isn't kind to its children. I've seen parents teach their street children to steal. Little kids are made to dance and sing to "amuse" their relatives. They're taught at an early age to be subservient little tools who know their place.  Children are just there to look cute and obey.

I feel like the show is exploitative. Maybe I'm just a killjoy who doesn't get it but history has shown us that show business isn't very good for a child star. 

One day, they're angels and next thing you know, they're grinding and "twerking" in some garbage awards show.

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